Rose-Hulman is seeking community partnerships that will unleash the energy and talents of Rose students as they tackle creative and worthwhile projects.
We're looking to partner with companies, not-for-profits, schools, churches or even individuals on projects that will (1) benefit your organization, (2) utilize our students' problem-solving skills, and (3) advance our mission to be the world's best STEM college.
Get in touch and discover why Rose-Hulman project sponsorship is a win-win!
The ownership of intellectual property created as part of a senior design project is addressed in a written agreement that is executed between Rose-Hulman and the project sponsor at the start of the project. Typically, a standard clause within that agreement indicates that the sponsor will have sole ownership and licensing rights of the intellectual property developed by Rose-Hulman as part of the project while allowing Rose-Hulman to retain the right to use the intellectual property for educational, scientific, and research purposes.